Dr Girisha T D

DNB (Urology)
Consultant Urologist and andrologist

MBBS, DA, IDCCM(India), EDIC(Ireland)
Chief Consultant Intensivist
President of ISCCM Mysore Chapter
Founder Secretary of Critical Care Forum Mysore
Director of IMPACT-training organization
HOD of Critical Care Department
Gopal Gowda Shanthaveri Memorial Hospital
IDCCM teacher-GGSM Hospital
FCCCM course coordinator-GGSM Hospital
FCCS (SCCM-USA) instructor

Responsibilities at National Level

ISCCM south zone elect 2018-20 Organizing secretary south zone critical care conference 2018

Responsibilities at State Level

1. Present Vice president of ISCCM Mysore Branch since 2014
2. Ex Secretary of ISCCM Mysore Branch since 2013
3. Founder of critical care forum Mysore Chapter at 2010

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